Deciphering an API documentation

JavaScript on the Web has a lot of APIs to work with. Some of them are fully supported some are still in draft. One of the things I worked with lately is the FileSystemDirectoryReader Interface of the File and Directory Entries API. It defines only one method called readEntries that returns an array containing some number of the directory’s entries. This is draft proposed API and is not supposed to be fully browser compatible. However I’ve tested it almost on all the latest versions of browsers and it works fine on each one except for the Safari browser (I think ;)).

This post will focus on one example that shows that sometimes reading an API documentation can be a little tricky. So the example in the documentation shows a common use of this API where the source of the FileSystemEntry items that we read from are passed with a (drag and) drop event in the browser. The FileSystemEntry can be either a file or a directory. What we want to do is build a file system tree of the dropped item . If the dropped item is a directory then the item is actually FileSystemDirectoryEntry object than defines the createRender method that creates the FileSystemDirectoryReader object on which we will call the readEntries method.

The demo example can be tested in this fiddle. What I want you to do is to drop a directory that contains more than 100 files. If you do that you can notice that the readEntries method returns only the first 100 queued files. That is the main reason for writing this post. The description on the successCallback argument of the readEntries method is a little bit confusing, it says: “A function which is called when the directory’s contents have been retrieved. The function receives a single input parameter: an array of file system entry objects, each based on FileSystemEntry. Generally, they are either FileSystemFileEntry objects, which represent standard files, or FileSystemDirectoryEntry objects, which represent directories. If there are no files left, or you’ve already called readEntries() on this FileSystemDirectoryReader, the array is empty.”

In their example we can see the scanFiles method that reads the items and creates html elements:

function scanFiles(item, container) {
        var elem = document.createElement("li");
        elem.innerHTML =;

        if (item.isDirectory) {
            var directoryReader = item.createReader();
            var directoryContainer = document.createElement("ol");

            directoryReader.readEntries(function (entries) {
                entries.forEach(function (entry) {
                    scanFiles(entry, directoryContainer);

It seems that the successCallback functions returns the entries partially in a packages of 0 to max 100 items.  If we use this function we will never iterate more that 100 items in the given directory. What we need to do is to decipher this part: “If there are no files left, or you’ve already called readEntries() on this FileSystemDirectoryReader, the array is empty.”.  Translated this into JavaScript code is:

function scanFiles(item, container) {
        var elem = document.createElement("li");
        elem.innerHTML =;

        if (item.isDirectory) {
            var directoryReader = item.createReader();
            var directoryContainer = document.createElement("ol");

            var fnReadEntries = (function () {
                return function (entries) {
                    entries.forEach(function (entry) {
                        scanFiles(entry, directoryContainer);
                    if (entries.length > 0) {


The change that we need to apply is to check after the iteration of the entries if the length of the entries array is bigger than 0.  Case that’s the truth then we should call the readEntries method again. If the entries size is zero, then the iteration is finished – all the file system items are iterated.

This fiddle has the improved version of the scan file method that will list all the files in the directory (more that 100), and won’t trick you.

Now finally we can conclude what the part “returns an array containing some number of the directory’s entries” meant. 🙂


A Groovy parser for CSV files

Parsing CSV these days is pretty straight-forward and not a big deal especially when we have the handy libraries from Apache Commons (I’m talking bout Java world). In this post I will give you an example how to use the Apache Commons CSV with the magic of Groovy and its closures so it can look and feel a little more fun because parsing in general is job for sad people (not kidding).

We’ll make ourself a simple Groovy class that will hold a reference to the CVSParser file, and a reference to the headers and the current record/line of the file that we will iterate with the closure delegate set to the instance of this CSVParserUtils class.

Something like this:

class CSVParseUtils {

    CSVParser csvFile
    def record
    def headers

    CSVParseUtils(String fileLocation) {
        def reader = Paths.get(fileLocation).newReader()
        CSVFormat format = CSVFormat.DEFAULT.withHeader().withDelimiter(delimiter)
        csvFile = new CSVParser(reader, format)
        def header = csvFile.headerMap.keySet().first()
        headers = header.split(delimiter as String)

As we can see it’s a constructor that takes the location to the CSV file that we want to parse, creates some default parsing format and generates new CSVFile that holds the CSV data.

As we see parsing is easy, but it’s better when we can transform the data on the run as we loop it. For that reason we will define a method called eachLine that will take a params Map and a Closure that will have access to the record/line instance and will do something with it.

 * List each line of the csv and execute closure
 * @param params
 * @param closure
def eachLine(Map params = [:], Closure closure) {
    def max = params.max ?: maxLines
    int linesRead = 0
    def rowIterator = csvFile.iterator()

    while (rowIterator.hasNext() && linesRead++ < max) {
        record =

It’s nothing special only a simple loop that iterates through the iterator and calls the closure with the given record for that line as a closure argument.

How to use it?

def parser = new CSVParseUtils(fileLocation)
def result = [:]
// first 2 lines without header
parser.eachLine([max: 2]) { CSVRecord record ->
    result.put(record.recordNumber, record.values.size() > 4 ? 
             record.values[0..4] : record.values[0..record.values.size()])

We imagine that we need only the first 2 lines and the first 5 columns or something like that.

As you can see this closure loop is not specially connected with CSV, it’s just a clean way to iterate through any textual file line by line and do something with it. As a matter of fact you can use the BufferedReader which has method eachLine too.

The source code for this whole example can be found on github.

Thanks for reading.

Grails and SAPUI5 are friends

Hello reader,

instead of the planned walk through the city park and drinking some beer(s) mother nature swinging moods changed my plans and in place of the shiny sun gave me hard rain and sour mouth. In a situation like that, alone and bored I decided to bore you too and share this short text about two good friends called Grails and SAPUI5 (respect to the OpenUI5 project too). 🙂

I’ve been working hard with the Grails framework this couple of years and different situations led me to different scenarios. Lately I found myself in situation that asked bringing closer the powerful SAP services to the web/mobile clients. And what is better that using the outsourced JavaScript MVC framework made by SAP called SAPUI5 or if you prefer the open source project name OpenUI5 in conjunction with the versatile Grails Framework.

If you’re familiar with Grails then you certainly know that with the latest 3++ versions of Grails there is great support for already established and pretty much famous frameworks/libraries AngularJS and ReactJS in forms of Grails app profiles and plugins. But there is no “official” support for interbridging SAPUI5 and Grails and that is the main motive for writing this blog post and sharing it with you.

SAPUI5 is a single paged application where all the magic is done with JS so what we need is a single html file or in this case a single gsp file. We use that file to define the paths to the SAPUI5 runtime (or sdk) resources and to init the main SAPUI5 application via short JavaScript code. SAPUI5 is best when used with the OData services and that its where this software shines, however it has also great support when working with JSON and provides us with swift JSONModel that we can use to fill up the application data. And because we have JSON then we must have the Restful Grails controllers that will provide us with well defined JSON.

So the situation is pretty simple: Grails connects us with the backend via web services (or else?) or it provides us the data on its own via GORM or something else. Then Grails transforms the data into a JSON format that is a sweet cake for the SAPUI5 to consume and make it look great both on web browsers and on any mobile clients (Smart phones, tablets etc.).

Well this won’t be worth a penny without a working example, right? Because that’s the cause I’ve published a little demo of Grails and SAPUI5 playing together that you can check it on github. In short words we have a Spring Security Core plugin for the authentication and authorization, the JSON Views plugin for making the JSON even easier and also an example how to make it work via rest based http calls if your clients is native app . And of course the SAPUI5 application itself.

Here’s the link to the repo.

Thanks for reading,




Passing by ‘reference’ in Java

One of the first things that every Java programmer learns (or should learn) is that method parameters in Java are passed-by-value. That is the only truth and there is no so called ‘reference’ passing in Java. Every method call with parameters means that their value is copied in some memory chunk and then they are passed (the copied memory) to the local function to be used.

What is more important though is of what type is the parameter that is passed. Generally there are two different data types: primitive (int, char, double etc…) and complex aka objects (Object, array etc…). The thing that matters is what is the ‘value’ of them when they are used in parameter passing.

When we are passing parameters of primitive type we are passing the actual value of it. So if we pass an integer with value of 4, then the function will receive an integer with value of 4 as parameter value. However, if we pass parameter of complex type let’s say some object of class Company then the function will actually receive the pointer to real object location in memory. Or in Java terms, it will receive the copied value of the reference (address) to the Java object that we want to pass and use.

If in C++ we have: Company *c; to get the pointer , then in Java we have Company c; . It’s pretty much the same, the difference is how things are designed and implemented under the cover.

If we understand this, then we realize that even if there are no out parameters in Java when defining and implementing methods, we can still use the reference advantage to program that thing by our self.

To get things clear and imagine the picture we should actually see the picture, I mean the code.

For example we can use an array of size one to be our data holder. Passing and mutating data this way will change the real value that we want to be changed. An example code, try it:

package com.groggystuff;

* @author Igor
public class JavaArguments {

* @param argument
public static void mutate(int argument){

* @param argument
public static void mutate(int[] argument){

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// example pass by value
int i = 4;
System.out.println("Value of 'i' before mutation: "+i); //prints 4
System.out.println("Value of 'i' after mutation: "+i); // prints 4

// example pass by value too
int[] j = new int[1];
j[0] = 4;
System.out.println("Value of 'j' before mutation: "+j[0]); // prints 4
System.out.println("Value of 'j' after mutation: "+j[0]); // prints 5



Thanks for reading,

I hope this post will be helpful to you in solving the coding mysteries in life, or something similar.

Please comment if you feel that  your comment is needed. Or comment at will, just to say hi for example.

Cool usage of TimeCategory in Groovy

Groovy, the programming language based on JVM implements a feature called Categories. It is originally borrowed from Objective-C . Simple explanation for this feature can be the ability to implement new methods in existing classes without modifying their original code which in some way is injecting new methods through a Category class. For more information official documentation can be found here .

Rather interesting for me was playing with the TimeCategory class for writing a short and easy script for fixing some datetime columns in database. This class offers a convenient way of Date and Time manipulation.

General syntax for categories is the following:

use ( Class ) {
// Some code

Concrete usage of TimeCategory:

use ( TimeCategory ) {
// application on numbers:
println 10.hours.ago
// application on dates
def someDate = new Date()
println someDate - 3.months

Seems weird? From when Integer has months, minutes, hours etc. methods ? Well it still doesn’t have any of that, however those methods are dynamically added with the TimeCategory use.

If you are interested how is this possible I suggest you to go through TimeCategory API and source code if possible. Also this forum post can be useful for deeper understanding of the groovy magic.

And last but not least, an example groovy script for your pleasure.

@Grab(group='mysql', module='mysql-connector-java', version='5.1.27')

import groovy.time.TimeCategory
import java.sql.Timestamp

sql = groovy.sql.Sql.newInstance(

def rows= [:]

// Select Data
sql.eachRow("select * from Table_Name"){
def impDates = new ImportedDates() // This is some custom Class found in the same package/directory if script
impDates.dateColumn = it.dateColumn

impDates.dateColumn = impDates.dateColumn - // Shift dateColumn for one day backwards in time

rows.put(it.UID,impDates) // Put private key and ImportedDate object in Map


// Update Data
rows.each {row-&gt;
ImportedDates id = row.value
// Check if value is different from null, if it is convert it to Timestamp(we use datetime column in db) and execute update query
dateColumn  = null
if(id.dateColumn) dateColumn = new Timestamp(id.dateColumn.getTime())

// Actual update query
sql.executeUpdate('update Table_Name set dateColumn = ? ' +
'where UID like ?',
[dateColumn, row.key.toString()])



It is first, so let it be groggy

Welcome to you , welcome to me, what this blog will be?

Well it won’t be just groggy I hope. Primarily it will be written after work is done, when I’m tired, little restless and maybe a little more creative.

I will bother with technician stuff, sysadmin daily ad-hoc solutions, programming , things that interest me, maybe I will write something about you. Personal opinions will be included also.

So cheers.